Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Dream Car

Isn't it glorious?!
Not only is this 1957 Messerschmitt KR-200 lovely, but it got 87 mpg when it was new.
The fact that I probably couldn't drive it up a hill if I ate a big lunch doesn't bother me, nor does the likelihood that it probably sounds like a lawnmower. Nope, all of that pales when I picture myself sitting in the driver's seat, turning the key, and then jetting off into the future.
(ok, the stats don't actually mention the vehicle's ability to transcend time and space, but can you doubt it?)

Here is the interior and the rear view:

These pictures all came from the Microcar Museum which has a dreamworthy cars a-plenty.

swing by the archives to see more petulishness
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